Hello. Hi. Hey. Somebody pinch me!
Did I really start a food blog? My fingers are having a hard time keeping up with the thoughts in my head! I have so much I want to share with you all. The idea for a blog has been floating around in my mind for some time now. To learn more more about me, be sure to catch up here.
My passion for cooking has always been an influential part of my life. No matter where my life has taken me, through all the ups and downs, it has come along for the ride. After a few years of being out of the workforce, being managed instead by two snack-addicted, loud and incredibly cute girls who call me mom, I needed an outlet. From there, The Darling Apron was born.
One of the typical responses when asked where I work is, "Oh you are so lucky you can stay home" or "It must be so nice!". I don't take these days for granted. I know that I'll blink and I'll be dropping them off at college, but some days are HARD! I've learned through time and the support of other moms, that it's okay to have days where you are counting the minutes until bedtime. Who has loved every single moment of their job? Without the storms, we would take sunshine for granted.
Having something that fills your cup (and your stomach) like this blog, is so important in finding balance. Always remember that you can't pour out of an empty cup. Although I may go a whole day without any adult interaction, I am able to communicate with so many of you about my passion for cooking and the memories I am creating with people I love. Even on days where I don't feel like cooking (yes it happens to me too, thank God for the drive-thru), getting to sit down at the table with my family and talk about our day is a blessing.
Do you have to have a passion for cooking to get something out of this blog? Not at all. I'm hopeful I can help you find a new favorite meal for your family, or inspire you to unapologetically find your bliss, whatever it may be.
I can't wait to get started!
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